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July 4, 2024
President’s Message
Hello Neighbors!
It appears summer is finally here - the forecast for the foreseeable future looks dry and hot! While we always need the moisture, I could pass on that violent rainstorm we had last week. It was a literal river running down Favorite Gulch!
Happy to say that the boat docks are in, including one new dock again this year. Special thanks to the team that came out to install them, clean up the lake recreation area and make everything ready for summer. There is an exceptional amount of vegetation growing in the boat ramp and dock area and we may need to look at some form of remediation if this continues. The weeds are so thick you can almost walk across to the picnic area!
It’s time again, now that the spring rains are winding down, to get some work done on the roads. I would like to solicit your help with feedback on the following items:
â—¦ Please let us know of specific areas we should concentrate on for road work; areas that hold water or large mud/slippery areas are of greatest concern this year.
â—¦ Existing culverts that are clogged, not working or damaged.
â—¦ Extremely rough areas.
Once we receive this info, we can work up a game plan for where to focus our efforts this year. Please send feedback to info@edh-hoa.com.
We will again coordinate our road work with the folks that live along the river, which will save all of us on mobilization costs. Our collaboration last year afforded both the HOA and the non-members a significant savings.
It’s fire season again, and we live in the thick of it. Our own York Volunteer Fire Department hosted the Lewis & Clark County Rural Fire Council meeting at Zimmerman Station this past Monday, July 1st.
The Rural Fire Council was founded to develop a cooperative cohesion of the rural fire department resources in Lewis and Clark County. The cooperative efforts and cohesive teamwork create an enhanced public service effort pertinent to the rural fire service.
Excellent communication between all the agencies in the county allows for powerful collaboration, sharing of knowledge and experience, resources and equipment in the event of an emergency. There are hundreds of dedicated volunteers that put our safety first, and we are grateful for their service.
So, how can we help? Glad you asked!
Preparing your property in advance will increase the chances of your home surviving a fire in the wildland urban interface. Follow the guidelines below, and please contact the YVFD if you have questions or need assistance in deciding what to do:
â—¦ Be sure your address can be clearly seen from the road. In the event of a medical or fire emergency, seconds count. The sooner we can find you, the sooner we can help.
â—¦ Give good directions, location and details if you should need to call 911.
â—¦ Maintain a 50-foot buffer around your house with no fuels that can burn. Remove trees, shrubs, mulch, pine needles etc. Anything that can burn will transfer the fire energy to your home.
â—¦ New construction should consider fire retardant building material such as metal roofs (conforming to the covenants of course), fire resistant siding that mimics natural wood etc.
â—¦ Plan ahead for evacuations - in the event of a fire, it’s possible the Sheriff may order our area evacuated. This sounds like a scary thing, but not if you have a plan. Decide today where you would go, how you would move animals and loved ones and what you would need to take with you (important documents, medications, etc.). Make a list and have it ready.
â—¦ Before you evacuate, be sure to close all windows and curtains. This keeps fire heat outside, and combustible materials in.
Everyone’s help in preparing our neighborhood for the worst, improves all our safety and limits damage and loss.
I’m proud to be part of our community. We are truly blessed to live in such an amazing location, with great neighbors. Please continue to communicate, get to know your neighbors and be kind and helpful. I’m blown away whenever I hear about one of our neighbors going through a difficult time, and how so many in our community step up to help without ever being asked.
Looking forward to questions and feedback on the items above and hope to see you all at the summer HOA picnic on Saturday, July 20th, at 12:00pm at the lake recreation area. Please send an email to info@edh-hoa.com if you plan to attend and include a head count. We want to be sure to have enough food for everyone. As a reminder, we provide burgers, hot dogs, water and soda. Please feel free to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
Enjoy your summer and be safe!
Jason Kreth
Eldorado Heights Homeowners Association
To view the minutes of the annual meeting and other related documents, go to the PRIVATE PAGES of the website.